meterpreter file system commands
Difference Between POP3 and IMAP POP3 and IMAP are the protocols that are used to retrieve mail from the mailbox at the mail server to the recipient’s computer. Both are message accessing agents (MAA). The two protocols POP3 and IMAP are used when both the sender and recipient of mail are connected to the mail server by WAN or LAN . SMTP protocol transfers the mail from client’s computer to the mail server and from one mail server to another mail server.POP3 has a limited functionality whereas, the IMAP has extra features over POP3. The basic difference between POP3 and IMAP is that using POP3 ; the user has to download the email before checking its content whereas, the user can partially check the content of mail before downloading it, using IMAP . Let us check out some more differences between POP and IMAP with the help of comparison chart. Content: POP3 Vs IMAP Comparison Chart Definition Key Differences Conclusion Comparison Chart Basis for Comparison POP...
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