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Scan Live hosts using Netdiscover in Kali Linux

Scan Live hosts using Netdiscover in Kali Linux

Netdiscover is a simple tool to use.It uses (ARP)Address Resolution Protocol to find live hosts.Netdiscover discovers live hosts on a network but you must be connected to that network. 

Netdiscover not only finds the live hosts also returns mac addresses and hostname.

netdiscover is an active/passive arp reconnaissance tool, initially developed to gain information about wireless networks without dhcp servers in wardriving scenarios.

 It can also be used on switched net‐ works. Built on top of libnet and libpcap, it can passively detect online hosts or search for them by sending arp requests.

Start Netdiscover

With the below command you can see all the options that we can use with netdiscover.

root@seven:~# netdiscover -h

 Netdiscover 0.3-pre-beta7 [Active/passive arp reconnaissance tool] -
 i device: your network device

 -r range: scan a given range instead of auto scan.

 -l file: scan the list of ranges contained into the given file

 -p passive mode: do not send anything, only sniff

 -m file: scan the list of known MACs and host names

 -F filter: Customize pcap filter expression (default: "arp")

 -s time: time to sleep between each arp request (miliseconds)

 -n node: last ip octet used for scanning (from 2 to 253)

 -c count: number of times to send each arp requests 

 -f enable fastmode scan, saves a lot of time, recommended for auto

 -d ignore home config files for autoscan and fast mode


As soon as you start netdiscover it starts sending arp requests over network and prints out the result if it finds any live host. You can specify range too. 

root@seven:~# netdiscover _____________________________________________________________________________ IP At MAC Address Count Len MAC Vendor / Hostname ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 00:50:56:c0:00:08 1 60 VMware, Inc. 00:50:56:ec:30:74 1 60 VMware, Inc. 00:50:56:e2:92:e5 1 60 VMware, Inc.

Scan with range

In order to scan a specific range you must give -r option to netdiscover.Below command will scan for all the live hosts on a network. It scans for all the ip addresses(254) and only prints live hosts on screen.

root@seven:~# netdiscover -r

A quick scan

When you do autoscan it is always good idea to give -f option to it.It saves time.
root@seven:~# netdiscover -f


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