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Learn Network Hacking From Scratch (WiFi & Wired)

Learn Network Hacking From Scratch (WiFi & Wired)   Learn how to hack both WiFi and wired networks like black hat hackers, and learn how to secure them from these attacks. What you’ll learn 60+ detailed videos about practical networks attacks Control connections of clients around you without knowing the password. Crack WEP/WPA/WPA2 using a number of methods. Hack any computer on the same network. Intercept data and spy on all on the network Gather detailed information about clients and networks like their OS, opened ports …etc. A number of practical attacks that can be used without knowing the key to the target network ARP Spoofing/ARP Poisonning Launch Various Man In The Middle attacks. Sniff packets from clients and analyse them to extract important info such as: passwords, cookies, urls, videos, images ..etc. Detect ARP poisoning and protect your self and your network against it. You will be able to use more than 20 penetration testing too

The Only Authentic Way to Hack Instagram!

The Only Authentic Way to Hack Instagram! PM I know everyone is tired seeing those how-to's on  brute forcing instagram and other social media's.  Sorry to break this to you but most of them are  poorly engineered or do not work at all and claim's false results. i m writing this post because I really wanted to shout out to everyone ( Atleast for those who really want to learn hacking... ) what is the authentic way to hack instagram. If you tried all other post on hacking instagram ( Which is mostly fake ) , I request you to try this once . I promise you that you will learn what is real hacking. Okay , How exactly are we gonna do it ? Simple , With a linux only python script called  Instagram-Py ! I created  Instagram-Py  after seeing all those poorly implemented or fake brute force scripts that people actually used , When I first saw those reviews on these tools , I was shocked Because Why would people even use these tools which does not even follow a good

Learn how to hack websites and web applications like black hat hackers, and how to secure them like security experts.

Learn how to hack websites and web applications like black hat hackers, and how to secure them like security experts. What you’ll learn Install hacking lab & needed software (works on Windows, OS X and Linux). Discover, exploit and mitigate a number of dangerous vulnerabilities. Use advanced techniques to discover and exploit these vulnerabilities. Bypass security measurements and escalate privileges. Intercept requests using a proxy. Hack all websites on same server. Bypass filters and client-side security Adopt SQL queries to discover and exploit SQL injections in secure pages Gain full control over target server using SQL injections Discover & exploit blind SQL injections Install Kali Linux – a penetration testing operating system Install windows & vulnerable operating systems as virtual machines for testing Learn linux commands and how to interact with the terminal Learn linux basics Understand how websites & web applications work Unde